A Year of Unprecedented Growth
At CfaN, the pace of growth and expansion this past year has been like nothing we’ve ever experienced before. As we’ve stepped forward in faith, we’ve been witnesses to God’s power at every level. From conducting more evangelistic campaigns than any year before (in the midst of a worldwide slowdown) to graduating over 200 Evangelism Bootcamp students, to launching Nations Church in Orlando… At every step, the Lord has brought the right people, given us provision for the task, and blessed the ministry with glorious Kingdom results. This year, we passed the 81-million mark for salvations and counting!
Evangelism Bootcamp, Orlando
CfaN's Evangelism Bootcamp is an intensive 3-month training course specializing in evangelism. Students come from all over the world to be immersed in this one-of-a-kind training from the world's top evangelists. This is an integral part of CfaN's strategy for multiplication and collaboration - turning people with a passion and vision for world evangelism into experienced evangelists.
At the end of the extremely intense 3-month course, the students spend three weeks in Africa for their Bootcamp Initiation Trip, putting their practical and spiritual apprenticeship into action. In 2021, CfaN graduated two groups of students, launching them into their calling as evangelists.
Multiplication – Train, Equip and Send!
Bootcamp Initiation Spring
After 3 months training in evangelism at our CfaN headquarters, over 90 Evangelism Bootcamp students packed their bags and headed to Tanzania in East Africa. This was the Bootcamp Initiation trip, the real-world test of all the training they’d received.
During Bootcamp, the students learnt how to preach a Gospel sermon and pray for the sick, how to pack your suitcase, how to deal with cultural differences in Africa, how to ground themselves in prayer and worship – and so much more. After class and on the weekends, they put their growing skills into action, conducting daily outreaches in malls and on the streets. When it was time to leave for Tanzania, the atmosphere was electric with excitement and anticipation.
Once they landed, teams were sent to different towns to immediately start doing outreaches, saturating each town in the Gospel. At the same time, they were preparing for a final Gospel Campaign in each city, working together with the local churches. They began the preparations whilst still in Florida, but there was still much to do on the ground – preaching in local congregations, training up local counselors and ushers, finalizing permits and more. These town campaigns are just like the larger events that CfaN puts on and are the final “test” for the Bootcamp students.
Orlando, Florida
Nations Church launch
After several months of preparation, Nations Church officially launched in Orlando, Florida, on 15 August 2021. CfaN Lead Evangelist and Nations Church Lead Pastor, Daniel Kolenda, led the capacity crowd of nearly 2,500 attendees through an incredibly lively service.
Pastor Kolenda noted that some had criticized his decision to start a church for fear that CfaN would lose its evangelistic focus. His response was, “We’re not leaving the nations – in fact, we’re increasing from 7 Gospel Crusades per year to 43!” As he explained, “This church is on our hearts because we can’t see what God is doing in other cities around the world and watch our own city go to hell. We’re not interested in people who are already in a local church. We want to win the people who don’t know Jesus and provide them with a place where they can grow.”
True to that vision, Nations Church’s Evangelism Director, Scott McNamara, shared from the stage that his team, a mix of volunteer congregants and CfaN’s Evangelism Bootcamp students, had already seen well over a thousand salvations resulting from their active outreach on the streets of Orlando – before the church had even launched!
“What’s Next?” Booklet
Children make real decisions for Jesus
In the last decades, CfaN has always had a very strong follow-up system, working hand-in-hand with local churches. Each person who decides to follow Jesus receives a booklet called “Now that you are saved”, which helps them to understand their decision, and to take their first steps in discipleship. It’s a crucial, very well-tested system that gives new believers the best possible start to their new life in Christ and filters them immediately into a local church.
And now we have a new tool in that follow-up box! In the last year and a half, our Bootcamp and CfaN team members have conducted an astonishing number of children’s campaigns. We realized quickly that we needed a special booklet just for kids… The same, powerful Gospel message, but in language that young children can understand, read and reread, building the same first steps in faith that adults do.
In 2021, our CfaN Europe partners helped us to print one million copies, which have already been used in hundreds of children’s campaigns.
Summer 2021, Tanzania
Operation Decapolis Recap
Watch this highlights video of the first of two Operation Decapolis multi-campaign events held in 2021.
Decapolis – Summer 2021, Tanzania
5 cities. 5 Gospel Campaigns. 533,000 reached with the Gospel
Morongoro, Tanzania
Mbeya, Tanzania
Tunduma, Tanzania
Dodoma, Tanzania
Iringa, Tanzania
This was an historic milestone for CfaN. For the first time in the history of the ministry we successfully initiated five simultaneous mass Gospel Campaigns in five different cities: Tunduma, Iringa, Morogoro, Dodoma and Mbeya, in Tanzania.
These cities fit perfectly in the Decapolis strategy – smaller towns where our supermassive Gospel Campaign machine could never afford to go. In the past, we only had one “tool” in our evangelistic “toolbox” – a massive campaign sledgehammer. It was very big and could only be used in certain contexts. Now, in addition to the supermassive “Flagship Campaigns” which we are still doing, we have a new strategy that allows us to reach smaller, more remote, and unreached places with the Gospel while continuing to have a massive impact.
A first for CfaN
Gospel Campaign in collaboration with Bootcamp Graduate evangelists
This was a ground-breaking moment for CfaN. In another first for the ministry, the CfaN technical and media teams were on the ground working with CfaN Bootcamp graduates – without Evangelist Daniel Kolenda there to preach the Gospel.
The vision to hold this campaign was birthed in the hearts of Denis Artyushevskiy and David Rotärmel, both Evangelism Bootcamp graduates. We are truly seeing the first fruits of multiplication and collaboration that are such a vital part of the Decade of Double Harvest.
With much prayer and scouting research, the decision was made to host the campaign in Bukoba. Nearly six weeks of preparation – marked by numerous challenges and last-minute changes – lead to a phenomenal Gospel Campaign that saw 25,000 people in attendance over the four nights.
An Equipping Retreat for young evangelists
Fire Camp 21 in Horn, Austria
Led by Matt McCluskey, the Director for CfaN’s European outreaches, the vision for this energizing, practical retreat was to create a deep sense of family and support for those with a heart for evangelism in Europe – and give them the tools to share the Gospel with maximum effectiveness.
From 1 – 11 July, 55 participants and the leadership team gathered together at Horn Campus in Horn, Austria. Each morning started with a time of mediation and prayer, followed by multiple teaching sessions that covered a wide range of topics. These were designed to give each young evangelist practical tools for preaching, and to expand their horizons spiritually. The speakers included Ben Fitzgerald, Matt McCluskey, Florian Furst and Michael Job. And most of the leaders were themselves Bootcamp graduates, who shared and taught what they’ve learnt and put into practice in evangelism over the past two years.
It was such a great success that we are now planning six more Fire Camps in Europe in 2022.
30 Gospel Campaign events in 5 days
Operation Decapolis Fall – Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Another high-water mark was reached in our October “Operation Decapolis”, when we held six CfaN Gospel Campaigns in six areas of Dar es Salaam, lasting five nights each. That’s thirty nights of campaign meetings – in less than a week!
In this crowded, sprawling metropolis, it can take two hours or more to travel just a few kilometers. With the Operation Decapolis strategy the Lord gave us, anyone in the city was within easy reach of a Gospel Campaign. In addition, we conducted two weeks of "Gospel Invasion" leading up to the campaigns, where Bootcamp graduates did hundreds of outreaches in the area. In all, we documented 210,553 decisions for Christ in Dar es Salaam.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Evangelists Jim and Kathy Leamon and Evangelist Jacob Ebersole were stationed in the district of Jangwani, where Evangelist Daniel Kolenda joined them to preach on the third night of Operation Decapolis.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Evangelists Levi Lutz and Macoby Donaldson each preached two nights in Kawe. For Macoby Donaldson, it was the first time he had ever preached at a campaign. He said, “I did exactly as I learned in Bootcamp and to my utter surprise, it worked! Many hundreds of people were healed.”
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached one night of every campaign, starting in Kimara. For the other four nights in each area, two guest evangelists (most of them Bootcamp graduates) preached and prayed for the sick. In Kimara – where there has never been a Gospel Campaign before – it was Evangelists Denis Artyushevskiy and Evelina Smane who brought the Good News.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
To preach at all six campaigns in five days, Daniel Kolenda had to preach at two events on the fourth night – another first for CfaN. The first of these was Kigamboni, where Evangelists Joe Turnbull and Randy Roberts were ministering.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Mbagala was the second campaign Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached at that night. On the ground for the whole event were Evangelists Rob Enge and Roselyne Ayeola. Rob Enge is Daniel Kolenda’s Executive Assistant, and he’s an evangelist. This was the first time he preached at a CfaN campaign.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Gongo La Mboto
Evangelists Lukas Repert and Daniel Garcia (both Bootcamp graduates) described the campaign in Gongo La Mboto as a “festival of miracles”. Evangelist Repert said, “The most holy moment of the night was the call for salvation. As the invitation was given to receive salvation through Jesus Christ, people repented by the thousands. Former Muslims across the field filled out decision cards to get connected with local churches. It was their day of salvation!”
Over 1,800 outreaches in 3 weeks
Bootcamp Initiation West Africa
In the weeks leading up to CfaN’s Flagship Campaign in Ibadan, Nigeria, the Fall Evangelism Bootcamp students conducted over 1,800 outreaches in villages, marketplaces, and city intersections, taking the Good News to the people in every possible place. Through these outreaches, sometimes as many as nine in a single day, we counted a total of 239,903 salvation decisions – before the main event even began! Floods of miracle testimonies came pouring in, as the Bootcamp students put theory into practice. No matter who is preaching and who is praying, Jesus is the same.
A tool for personal evangelism
He is Risen – in 8 languages
In February, we released Daniel Kolenda’s new booklet “He is Risen” in 8 languages: German, English, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Czech. This powerful booklet is a tool for personal evangelism, explaining the power and importance of the resurrection. It is available through our CfaN Online Shop.
Reinhard Bonnke
Godly Gems
Before he passed away, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke collected into one book this collection of insightful vignettes of wisdom from his more than 40-years of faith-filled ministry. Godly Gems offers the reader clear, concise, and practical wisdom that can be readily applied to life’s challenges.
11 – 14 November 2021
Flagship Campaign – Ibadan, Nigeria
More than 1.2 million people attended the CfaN Gospel Campaign in Ibadan in November. The four-day event was marked by hundreds of thousands of salvations, the evident in-filling of the Holy Spirit, physical healings, freedom from addiction, deliverance from demonic oppression, and a myriad of other miraculous encounters with God. The incredibly vast crowd included many prominent Church and government leaders, including the Governor of Oyo State and his wife.
Once again, CfaN history was made, with the grand finale of our Fire Conference in Ibadan. Fire Conferences are events for registered delegates only – primarily pastors, bishops, and church leadership. On the final morning over 150,000 delegates attended, making it the largest Fire Conference in history! Peter Vandenberg, John Darku (West Africa Campaign Director), Levi Lutz (CfaN Bootcamp Director), and Daniel Kolenda were the preachers, but the ministry team consisted of more than 100 CfaN Bootcamp students, graduates and coaches. In the final session, they all went through the massive crowd, each one laying hands on hundreds or even thousands of delegates. It was epic and lifechanging.
“Even greater things” in 2022!
2021 has been a wonderful, challenging, and exciting year, and we thank God for all He has done. But we know that He has called us to do “even greater things” in the year to come! Will you help us continue to make this vision a reality? Now, more than ever, we need partners who will catch the vision and commit with us to bring this vast harvest in “while it is yet day”.
The best is yet to come!
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
and the whole CfaN team