Operation Decapolis – Bauleni, Zambia
Paralyzed for 19 years, healed instantly!
I joined Evangelists David Rotärmel and Richard Fullwood in Bauleni for the first night of the Gospel Campaign there (3 – 7 May), preaching the Gospel before being whisked away to Ngombe for a second meeting that night.

According to Evangelist David Rotärmel, that was just the beginning of a remarkable move of God in Bauleni:
“On Thursday night, I preached "Choose Life!", a message that urges people to repent and turn their lives completely over to Jesus. Choose Jesus, and you choose life. After the Gospel message and a short teaching on faith and healing, we started praying for the sick and something happened that I have not witnessed before.
Without any singing or worship music playing, the atmosphere shifted and the glory of God filled the field. The wildest miracles started breaking out! Dozens of wheelchairs and crutches were lifted in the air as miracle after miracle started happening all over the field. It went on and on and people were getting touched and healed everywhere. Jesus, the King over sickness, entered the field and established His kingdom.
In moments like this, we realize that the Gospel truly is the power of God being released when it is preached (Romans 1:16). When we called people to testify, queues of healed people lined up. So many cripples started walking that Thursday night, we interviewed four of them at the same time. They threw their crutches off the stage, no longer needing them!

The next day, we went to visit some of the people who had been healed, including this lady, Christine Daka. She and her family told us Christine suffered a stroke in 2004, leaving her with completely paralyzed legs and limited use of her arms. She met us at the door, and excitedly told us how she had woken up before dawn, gone shopping and was cooking a meal for her family for the first time in nearly 20 years! She said that when she heard the prayer for the sick, she simply stood up, believing she was healed.”
Evangelist David Rotärmel
Straight after the campaign ended, Rev. Ephraim Kambanji (a pastor involved in the campaign) shared, “We went to open a branch in one of the rural towns and the first day, we had 126 people give their lives to Jesus. Many people got healed instantly that night and even a witchdoctor gave his life to Jesus. Then the number continued growing as people kept coming for prayers and at the end the numbers of those attended tripled. We have opened two cell groups out of the decision cards that were collected during the campaign.”

The campaign in Bauleni is over, but the work of God there continues! This is the kind of increase – lasting fruit – that we long for, and that your donations make possible. Thank you for helping us reach Bauleni for Jesus. We love you.
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN Team)