President of CfaN
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Daniel Kolenda – a missionary evangelist, teacher, author and pastor – has brought tens of millions to Jesus through mass outdoor evangelistic campaigns in many locations worldwide, often in some of the most dangerous, challenging and hard-to-reach places on earth.
Chosen by world-renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke to be his successor, Daniel is now the CEO and President of Christ for all Nations – a ministry well known for holding many of the biggest evangelistic events of all time. The ministry is global, with fourteen offices in twelve countries on six continents. Daniel is the host of two internationally syndicated TV shows, one daily and one weekly. He is the author of eight books, which include the bestselling titles Slaying Dragons and LIVE Before you die.
Along with his ongoing work internationally, he is also the Lead Pastor of Nations Church in Orlando, Florida – a thriving and growing local fellowship. And he is the visionary behind, and founder of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp situated in Orlando. These institutions (and more) all form part of an encompassing mandate to multiply laborers for the harvest. Making multiplication and collaboration a priority has already brought tangible results. Hundreds of ministers have been equipped and launched into new ministries. Together, they have documents millions of decisions for Jesus in recent years.
Daniel graduated from the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, as well as Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. He lives with his family in the Orlando area.