9 Gospel Campaigns in Ethiopia

Plowing the Ground

9 Gospel Campaigns in Ethiopia

Even as some of our teams are still conducting campaigns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, others are hard at work in Ethiopia. This is the next nation we’re heading to in this 50th year. We will be holding nine Gospel Campaigns in the four cities of Hawassa, Dilla, Sodo and Hosanna in October. Denis Artyushevskiy is the senior Campaign Director there, assisted by a core team of eight people. Together, they are getting Ethiopia ready for a move of God that’s never been seen there before.

At the end of April, our diverse team from 11 different nations gathered in Addis Ababa for an intensive training session with Campaign Director Denis Artyushevskiy. This training focused on the CfaN structure for organizing large campaigns in Africa. This was a time of learning, building team relationships and spending time with the Lord.

Why go to Ethiopia?

Although Ethiopia is known to be one of the oldest Christian countries, most Christians belong to Orthodox or Catholic denominations, and the number of missionaries sent by other religions has drastically increased over the years. One of the questions we faced in each city as we met with influential church leaders was, “What doctrine will you be preaching”? This is understandable as unfortunately, many ministries have started coming to Ethiopia to preach a doctrine that benefits the preacher financially, such as selling anointing oil or holy water.

As many pastors have said, this current generation in Ethiopia has not been able to hear the crystal-clear gospel message. That is why pastors quickly changed their church programs to join the campaign preparations with CfaN, as they still remember the impact the late Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke had in Hawassa 29 years ago. This country needs a reawakening of the true gospel, the simple gospel with no additions.

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, and CfaN has plowed the ground there many times with wonderful results. Now we want to reach into the second-biggest nation in Africa – Ethiopia! This is a strategic choice of location.

Favor at every level

God has granted us incredible access, from the highest levels of government down to the local churches. We have had several important meetings with national leaders and federal leaders in Addis Ababa. They represent 35 million church members and 3,000 denominations throughout Ethiopia, which are now available for us to access in the selected campaign cities. Appointed by the president of Ethiopia, this association is dedicated to unifying evangelical churches throughout the nation. Thanks to their support, we have secured work permits and national ID cards, allowing us to stay in Ethiopia beyond the usual 30-day limit. The association is actively facilitating collaboration among their churches and streamlining all necessary governmental permits, ensuring our mission's success.

From persecution to asking for prayer

During the All Pastors' meeting in Hawassa, which brought together leaders from various denominations and churches, a representative from the mayor's office welcomed the CfaN team. The representative affirmed the complete support of the Hawassa mayor's office for the upcoming campaign, expressing their willingness to assist in any way necessary. They have high hopes that the campaign will bring transformation to the area. In a powerful moment, the mayor's representative knelt and asked the church leaders to pray for the city and its government workers. Remarking on the dramatic change from just a few years ago, when Christians faced persecution under the old government, he highlighted the significance of the current government now seeking the church's intercession.

All Pastors' Meeting in Dilla

We heard similar testimonies at the All Pastors' meeting in Dilla. One of the leaders shared, "I never imagined a day that I could be in a room like this with so many churches in unity. God is doing something wonderful." This statement reflects the profound sense of unity developing due to the work our CfaN teams are doing on the ground bringing churches and denominations together.

Testimonies of fruit that remains

Even though it has been 29 years since Reinhard Bonnke came to one of the cities (Hawassa), people speak of that campaign as if it was yesterday. Testimonies from the distant past have been pouring in!

He brought a "Now that you are Saved" booklet, which he received 29 years ago at the Gospel Campaign led by Reinhard Bonnke.
At the All Pastors' meeting in Hawassa, one pastor shared a remarkable testament to the lasting impact of CfaN in the city. He brought a "Now that you are Saved" booklet, which he received 29 years ago at the Gospel Campaign led by Reinhard Bonnke. This pastor's journey began at that campaign where he found salvation, and today, he stands as a pastor, joining forces with us to bring the upcoming campaign to fruition in Hawassa.
As a 12-year-old, he attended the CfaN campaign, desperately believing for a miracle to cure his lifelong inability to speak
The current Security Chairman for the Hawassa Campaign, who also serves as a police inspector in the city, has a profound testimony. As a 12-year-old, he attended the CfaN campaign, desperately believing for a miracle to cure his lifelong inability to speak (he says his tongue did not work). Although nothing happened immediately, he miraculously woke up the next morning speaking fluent Amharic. Now, 29 years later, it is an honor to have him serve as the Security Chairman for our upcoming Hawassa campaign.
She shared old newspaper clippings from 29 years ago, reliving the healing miracle of her mother-in-law, who was healed of blindness during the Hawassa Gospel Campaign.
Another inspiring testimony came from one of our appointed leaders managing Prayer and Intercession in one of the campaign cities. She shared old newspaper clippings from 29 years ago, reliving the healing miracle of her mother-in-law, who was healed of blindness during the Hawassa Gospel Campaign.

Pressing forward for the prize

The campaign preparations are moving at a significant speed as the excitement and dedication from locals are unique. We have a structure of over 740 committee members throughout the four cities. They facilitate all elements of a campaign like church activation, security, ushering, counseling, worship, intercession, publicity and more, all under the guidance of our Campaign Directors.

Activating committees to serve in organizing the campaigns

We have built these teams (committees) from men and women with jobs, families and church responsibilities. They make themselves available each day for the campaign preparations, working with the CfaN team members on the ground. In just two of the four city-wide pastors’ meetings, we anticipated around 800 pastors would attend. However, an overwhelming 1,792 pastors came together. We are seeing the same response in the other cities.

Making the impossible possible together

At the start of this year, 50 Gospel Campaigns looked like an almost impossible goal, but together, we are seeing this unfold before our eyes. It’s thanks to partners like you who have dared to believe God with us, and who are sowing into the harvest daily. When I see how God is moving the hearts of men and women to stand with us and send us out, I lift my hands in thanks and praise. Thank you for being part of the CfaN family! Your support and partnership truly have eternal value.

Together with you for the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN team)

If you believe this work deserves support, we would appreciate any contribution!